

Hello everyone,

One of the best web sites I have found for information on the Christian faith, symbols and practices is The Voice-Biblical and Theological Resources for Growing Christians. I find it very helpful.

In today’s blog, I want to tell you about the season of the Church year known as Lent. Lent begins in 2021 on Wednesday, February 17.

Here are some quick facts.

“Lent” comes from the old English word, “lencten” meaning “spring season”.
Originated in 4th century AD
40 day period before Easter, not including Sundays
Today, we use the season of Lent to prepare for Easter, the Day of Resurrection.
Number 40 connected with several biblical events.
Jesus was in the wilderness 40 days at the beginning of his ministry.
It’s a time for prayer, reflection, confession of sin, repentance, fasting and doing good

Lent always begins on Ash Wednesday. Worshipers usually place ashes on their foreheads in sign of cross. Ashes represent humility before God.
Symbolizes mourning over sin, death, and suffering and death of Christ.

The traditional colors of Lent are purple, red violet and dark violet.
Represent the pain and suffering of Christ. Also colors of royalty as we anticipate the resurrection of Christ.

Holy Week begins the Sunday prior to Easter, and concludes at midnight on Saturday, Easter Eve. Special Services mark Holy week.

Palm Sunday/Passion Sunday, the Sunday before Easter.
A Palm Sunday focus celebrates Christ’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem
A Passion Sunday focus, focuses on events leading to his crucifixion.

Maundy (Holy) Thursday
“Maundy” is from Latin word “Mandatum” from which we get “Mandate”.
Based on John 13:34 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.“(NIV)
Commemorates last supper when Jesus was with the disciples before his death.

Good Friday
Commemorates the arrest, trial, and crucifixion of Christ.

Holy Saturday
The 7th day of the week.
The day Jesus rested after his death.
A time for remembering those who have died in Christ and the hope of resurrection.


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