The Prayer Group meets weekly to share congregational joys and concerns, community and global needs, and any new prayer requests and updates. The Prayer Chain uses email and phone calls to address immediate prayer requests and to provide updates.
● All are welcome to participate in the weekly Prayer Group on Wednesday at 10:00 a.m.
● The Prayer Chain requires participants to sign up for prayer request notifications.
Be persistent in prayer, and keep alert as you pray, giving thanks to God. Colossians 4:2. GNT
● Weekly Bible Study meets on Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. to study, discuss and learn more about our Creator and his love for us. Studies generally follow the liturgical calendar and prepare participants for Sunday’s sermon. Special studies include Advent, Lent, and others.
● Women who are committed to studying God’s Word, praying for one another, and growing together in Christ gather on Wednesdays for Bible study at 6:30 p.m. The study involves reading selected studies or watching videos which are followed by a discussion.
● DISCIPLE Bible Study is a program of disciplined Bible study that is a good tool to learn about the Bible. The study provides a way to understand the Bible and apply it to one’s life. Generally starting in the fall, the class runs approximately 32 weeks. Each week there are about three and one-half to four hours of reading designated scriptures and independent study in preparation for weekly group meetings.
Nurture focuses largely on the internal needs of the congregation – what we do for those who come to the church. The Nurturing Ministries give attention to needs of the congregation, including education, worship, Christian formation, and stewardship. The gospel understanding is that all persons are important because they are human beings created by God and loved through and by Jesus Christ. Within this framework the nurturing ministries of the church carry out their work.
● Caregiver’s Group meets as needed to provide information, resources and support to those who provide care to children and/or adults with illnesses or disabilities.
● Offer Sunday School and Vacation Bible School to school-aged children.
● Altar Guild supports weekly and special worship service.
● Offer opportunities for intercessory prayer through a prayer group and prayer chain.
● Offer regular and special Bible Studies.
● Recognize special occasions such as Father’s Day, Mother’s Day, Veteran’s Day, Pastor Appreciation Day, and Easter.
● Plan special events like the church picnic.
● Manage church usher and greeter programs.
● Send cards and church bulletins and ensure visitations to shut-ins.
All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful in teaching of truth, rebuking of error, correcting faults and giving instruction for right living, so that the person who serves God may be fully qualified and equipped to do every kind of good deed. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 GNT
Outreach focuses on ministries beyond the walls of the church building through ministries of compassion, justice, and advocacy by helping those in need locally, regionally, and globally.
● Sponsor families through Worcester Youth and Family Counseling Services, and help homeless persons, and those who have lost homes to fire and other disasters.
● Support Environmental programs such as Lower Shore Land Trust, Assateague Coastal Bays, and MD Coastal Bays.
● Support Health initiatives such as Believe in Tomorrow, Worcester County Child/Drug Program, Hope 4 Recovery, Coastal Hospice, and Life Crisis Center.
● Support local food pantries such as Diakonia and Samaritan Ministries.
● Collect Special Sunday offerings: Human Relations, Native American Ministries, Peace with Justice, World Communion, UMC Students, and Disaster Relief
● Support Global ministries such as Black Women Build Baltimore, Doctors/Engineers without Borders, and Water in Congo.
The witness team works to help people share the good news of Jesus Christ, grow in Jesus Christ, and live in faith.
● Manage and publicize church events through the website, email, social media, newspapers, and television.
● Offer special events to the church family and community.
● Maintain a program for recognizing and welcoming visitors.
● Arrange for the organization of an updated church family directory & church brochure.
● Encourage lay speaking and lay service.
Sunday worship services may include special music by the church choir, the organist or by instrumentalists.
Scripture quotations marked (GNT) are from the Good News Translation in Today’s English VersionSecond Edition Copyright © 1992 by American Bible Society. Used by Permission.